
How Do I Choose a Marketing Company?

Not every marketing company will be right for you, so how do you choose?

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I know you've heard countless stories from chiropractors about marketing companies they've worked with, but they never achieved the level of growth they wanted. Often this is a result of not pre-qualifying the company before you sign your contract. Perhaps you've ask basic questions like:

"How much do you charge?" & "How many leads per month can I expect?"

Those are good questions, but there are even better questions to ask if you truly want to grow your business.

10 Most Important Questions

Here are the 10 most important questions to ask a marketing company before you sign with them:

  1. On the HIGH and LOW end, how many leads per month did your clients get?
  2. On the HIGH and LOW end, how many scheduled appointments did those clients get?
  3. How many clients do you allow per Account Manager?
  4. How many clients have been with you since the company started?
  5. What is the most common reason clients give for leaving?
  6. How often do you check the ads?
  7. How often do you change the ad copy and images?
  8. What is the contract length?
  9. What is your standard termination clause?
  10. Last month, what was the ROI for your HIGHEST earning client and the LOWEST earning client?

Most of these questions will seem obvious if you really think about it, but in my experience many clients get on the sales call and forget what they should ask and what’s important to know. That is why we created our “How to Choose the Right Marketing Company for Your Business” guide. It outlines what questions to ask, what to look for, and how to make sure the company is being honest in how they can help your business. The download button for it is down below!

It can be time consuming to take sales calls with different companies and ask them all these questions. Don't be afraid to email the company ahead of time and ask for answers to at least some of these questions. They should be able to provide you with a case study or report of their recent client success.

Not every marketing company will be right for you. Bishop & Royal certainly isn't the right company for every chiropractor. We're selective in choosing clients that are the right fit for us and that we can benefit the most with our skills.

So don’t settle and find who is the right fit for you.


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